Today's Modern Office
MicroangeloIT understands the needs of utilizing technology for Today's Modern Office. Business owners demand their staff to be efficient and grow with the business. The only way to do this cost effectively is to become high tech in order to grow.
MicroangeloIT provides many services to improve the office and offer businesses administration support for all your needs. This also includes office support and intergration. We provide cost effective solutions to your business needs to grow without extra cost. We can compliment your existing systems and make sure your are kept up to date.
"MicroangeloIT - Supporting your IT needs"
Office Automator
Automating your office to reduce costs
If you repetitively create and manipulate data including excel and word documents then this service will suit you to a tee. The ability to automate your office allows your business to grow efficiently and without boundaries. Please view the video and be prepared for some amazing documentation creation
The demonstration is the automation of your office utilizing MicroangeloIT Solutions

Office 365 Integration & Automation
We can provide office integration using the latest Microsoft Office 365 Technology set. MicroangeloIT service include:
- Word - Letters, Templates Mail Merge and automation
- Excel - Spreadsheets that can perform tasks including graphing and calculations.
- Outlook (Email) - Email Mail Merge and Mail Out (Mail Chimp) for business.
- Access (Databases) - Database customised for your specific needs.
Supporting Your IT Office
MicroangeloIT is always supporting your business grow. We understands the needs of keeping up to date with technology so that Today's Modern Office can always remain functional. All of our offerings are fully supported and be rest assured that keeping up to date is easier with MicroangeloIT.
We always support your existing systems and make sure your are kept up to date.
"MicroangeloIT - Keeping your IT Office up to date"
Technical Support

Onsite / Remote Support
